
EDEN modules are designed to meet the needs of all HCPs with an interest in diabetes. Participants come from a wide range of backgrounds including GPs, Nurses, DSNs, Midwives, HCAs, Dieticians, Pharmacists and Care Home Staff.

Training is delivered using a wide variety of teaching methods including interactive lectures and discussions, small group work, videos, case studies, quizzes and practical sessions. Each module has learning outcomes and a competency framework.



Injectable Therapies:

With a variety of injectable therapies available, it can be tricky to understand which ones are best used in different situations and why. The sessions offer practical help with pens and needles, as well as lifestyle advice including, hypo’s, sick day rules, travel, feasting and fasting.

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Foot Care:

Pathophysiology of foot disease in people with diabetes, screening, prevention and management of foot problems

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Three Treatment Targets:

Enhance the knowledge and skills of HCPs in the management of blood pressure, cholesterol and HbA1c for patients with diabetes. The study day includes the latest national guidelines and evidence base in respect of treatment options and recommendations for application into clinical work.

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Obesity and Lifestyle Behaviour Changes:

Managing obesity, practical advice and guidance on supporting patients to lose weight in your own clinical practice. Topics include causes and pathophysiology, and evidenced based national guidance. 

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Diabetes and the Older Person (includes end of life care):

Covers the key issues in providing diabetes care for the complex elderly and includes aspects of diabetes care at end of life for practices delivering enhanced diabetes care

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