Welcome to the Eden resources page
diabetes telephone consultation resources pack
Designed to support primary care healthcare professionals adopt new ways of working during the coronavirus pandemic and ensure patient safety by minimising face to face contact, diabetes consultations and reviews are being advised to switch to telephone clinics.
The Diabetes Telephone Consultation resources pack has been specifically developed as a guide to prepare and advise healthcare professionals for these situations.
These quick and easy resources are designed to be used on the go by healthcare professionals when supporting people living with diabetes.
Click the link to go to our infographics page and download your FREE resources.
DiH renal
The Diabetes Care in Haemodialysis (DiH) group had been established as a multi-professional, multi-disciplinary group to support implementation of the 2016 guidelines and most importantly improvements in the care for people with diabetes on haemodialysis.
Click the link to go to our DiH Renal page.
EDEN's eLearning modules offer an interactive platform for healthcare professionals to gain access to EDEN training wherever and whenever convenient.
All EDEN eLearning modules have pre and post module assessments, enabling demonstration of any improvement in knowledge. Click the link to be taken to our eLearning section.